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Tue Oct 22 2024 16:13 PM

Partial Denture
A partial denture is custom made prosthetic device that fills multiple, non-adjacent spaces with replacement teeth. It is held in place with inconspicuous clasps, and can be removed, like a full denture, for cleaning.

Complete dentures
Complete dentures replace all teeth on the top and/or bottom arch. These are held in place with natural suction or denture adhesive on the ridges of the gums. There are various types of dentures.

Chrome cobalt dentures
These are cast metal dentures and are generally considered to be the more permanent partial denture than plastic partial dentures. They are clipped to the natural teeth with clasps and most importantly include rests on the teeth. The clasps hold the denture firmly and the rests prevent any damaging up and down movement. Chrome Cobalt partial dentures are far superior to plastic partial dentures because they are thinner and the gums stay healthier because the biting force is shared between the gums and the remaining teeth.

Implant-Supported Dentures
As a more secure and comfortable alternative for denture stabilization, Dr. Richa often recommends implant-supported dentures. A few dental implants secured in the jawbone can hold a denture in place, and you won’t have to worry about slippage or looseness. No more denture creams, natural suction, or special care routines. Implant-retained dentures are easy to care for, and you’ll love their natural feel and function. Furthermore, because dental implant posts stimulate jawbone tissue, your jaw is less likely to degenerate

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